"I left my heart in San Francisco,

high on a hill it calls to me
              To be where little cable cars

climb halfway to the stars.
The morning fog may chill the air,

I don't care.
My love waits there in San Francisco,

above the blue and windy sea,
When I come home to you, San Francisco,

your golden sun will shine for me."


[I Left My Heart in San Francisco - nostalgia with F. Sinatra]




California's former glitz and glamor, with seemingly endless 

money to spend, has become like these deflated balloons,

caught by wind and hurled into the branches of a pine tree.

Below, a bird sings as it prepares to feed a nestling. Its trust

in its Creator is secure, as humanity grieves over

its lost treasures.

 Balloons, bird, pinetree

Born beside the Golden Gate,

Before bridge spanned the bay.


Nurtured in a cottage,

in the Presidio, was she.


Smelling air so fresh and clean,

Spray-wet  and warmed with sun.


Flying the mail once,

Father's plane landed on its nose.


One day they hid under beds

When the ground shoooook underfoot.


At age four years, to Hawaii they went.


to Cal-i-for-ni-yay.


Later, after World War II

Again to the west they drove.


From San Francisco they took a ship

to the Okinawa island.


Six months there, then six in Tokyo,

Then an airplane to return,



To come yet again to Cal-i-for-ni-yay,

But this time not to stay.


Yet years later, a visit she made

To Cal-i-for-ni-yay family.


There she drove down Highway #1

"Lord, have mercy on this sin-sick state!"


Years later again, another airplane

To Glendale, CA, this time.


Her father had reached his end of life,

And they needed one another.


Again to San Francisco's Presidio

For a memorial service she drove.


Then back she flew to Virginia

Sadly now -  both Mom and Dad were gone.


Looking back at her history now

Gives her hope and faith to believe

 Dawn fire

For miraculous change and redemption

For her home,



The news today is most serious.

Even the gov says the state is broke.

Their debts being paid in i.o.u.s,

And default mortgages for the folk.


Her comfort is here:

God has spoken so clear


"When the judgments of God are in the land,

The people will learn righteousness."


"Because Jesus' Blood has paid the price,

Make it so, Lord. Indeed, make it so!"


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