Literary Connection III

                         Meditation spot

Meditation Spot



The Kingdom of God powerfully advancing through

transformed lives and authentic relationships


Founders - Robert & Joyce Ricciardelli


Robert's Weekly Ponderings


            A L M I G H T Y               

and Kids !    

God’s intended purpose for each of His human creation was to birth an extension of Himself. A family, with a family business in mind, called “Almighty and Kids”. Can you imagine? From eternity past until now, God’s desire was to have a family called to Himself. So let’s break it down a bit and look at some of Fathers design for all of us who were created in His image.

Father the Creator - Look all around and you will see a world full of creation by not only the Father, but by His children. A child of the living God created this computer I am using right now. Regardless of redeemed or not, we are not talking eternal family, that can only be accessed by Christ, we are talking about the Lord creating a wonderful family of creators in mankind, operating in the Fathers image to create…

Father the Lover – Agape love in perfection, no agenda but love, and extending it to each of us. Look at creation, even in animals, and the nurturing that takes place in the animal kingdom. I remember when my sons were born, and how I would do anything for them. For my wife, my partner, the love is birthed in God and we can see glimpses of this love nature in most every nation and culture.

Father the Redeemer – Forgiveness is a quality that comes from God. When we forgive, we operate in his nature, when we do not forgive; we operate against Him, His Kingdom family, and His design for humanity. This is an awesome quality and a necessity for those who want to be Kingdom of God dwellers with full inheritance rights. Of course Jesus, Big Brother to all creation, allowed us to have full rights and become full inheritance citizens in Father’s eternal Kingdom.

Father the Giver – Father has given to His creation from the very beginning and called it good. What a wonderful world filled with amazing things the Lord has given us. It will be in His children’s nature to be givers, and once again, when we operate in greed, or horde for self, we oppose His nature.

Father the “Do Gooder” – God is always operating in the nature of doing good to the world. Prior to His ultimate “Do Good” in Christ Jesus, He gave us principles, and eternal ways of family living so that we could in turn “do good” to those around us, protect the innocent, and allow His justice to flourish upon the earth. Healing and many other resources are the children’s bread and sustain us towards eternity.

These are but a few of Father’s qualities that he predestined us to live by. What religion does sometimes, is allow us to narrowly focus on segments of life rather than the whole of life. Father desires that we be wholly His, every day, every moment, and in every aspect of living. Religion often gets in the way of seeing His eternal truths for all of life.

In other words, how are we being like Father in our work? How are being like Father to our wives? Our children? Our neighbor?

Jesus said the world would recognize the Father’s family by our love for one another. Has our love waxed cold? Have we become so consumed with self that we have no tolerance, and even better than tolerance, real acceptance and love for one another?

We are all wired differently. Can we appreciate our differences, and see strength in our differences as part of the whole of “Almighty and Kids”? I have sought to do this, and failed many times, but continue to try and operate in Father’s love to all people. I ask the Father to continually change me on the inside to be more like Him. I am maturing, so they say? Who are they that say so? Those who knew me when………….

Those who knew you when, can be very objective in seeing who you are becoming.

We must focus on God’s eternal intentions for us in the NOW. Yes there was a fall, but before the fall there was a wonderful Creator creating a family to Himself. Part of the trap of self-centeredness is that we are blinded to God’s perfect plan before, and His perfect plan now and for all eternity: Almighty and Kids bringing heavenly qualities upon the earth, to please the Father. The goal is to be Father-pleasers through the transformational power of His Son to bring the lost of creation back to the loving arms of the Father.


Lord we want to become more like you;

your nature, your ways,

and we want to start today !

Robert Riccardielli's

"What Ifs" For 2009



Every Year I share my evolving "What If" list. There are many what ifs in many situations in life. What ifs can be good, especially reflecting about the way things are and “what if” we changed them, or aligned ourselves toward them to the glory of God. We only know in part, so it is always good to check what we think we know, often.


Please remember that these are only what ifs, purposed to shake up paradigms, while firming up Kingdom foundations. Many "What Ifs” are happening all around us, but    what if they were not just the exception? What if they became realities? My prayers are to continually stimulate “possibility thoughts” towards ways that bring forth His Kingdom through our lives.


Here are my What Ifs as we move into 2009:


What if we prayed for our leaders rather than complain about who is or is not  in office?

What if we realize that God is on the throne and will have His way regardless of who is in office and that we are called to pray His will and purposes for the nation?

What if we gave to Caesar (government) what is Caesar’s, and gave to God what is His, which is our very lives?

Jesus was consumed with His Father’s Kingdom being brought to the earth, what if we focused on that rather than our political processes and gave that burden to Him?


  •   What if we were using what we do have, and quit wasting time worrying about what we don’t have?


·       What if we did not fear any longer: no fear of life or death, because we are in His hands?


·       What if we heard the words “Stop it, just stop it” and began to truly stop the negative thought patterns? Stop it, just Stop it, thinking that way, in Jesus name!


·       What if we could really understand and activate true repentance in every area of our lives, instead of just feeling sorry for our patterns of sin?


·       What if we could forgive every wrong ever committed against us in the past and swiftly in the days ahead?


·       What if we allowed His presence to eradicate bitterness from the depths of our souls?


·       What if we realized and applied His freedom from every deliberate and unintentional wound of our childhood?


·       What if we were never a victim again, because the revelation of Christ and His grace sufficed daily for us?


·       What if we could forgive ourselves and move on past the shame simply because Jesus has forgiven us?


·       What if we accepted and believed with all of our heart, soul, and mind that Jesus loves us, accepts us, and is for us every moment of every day? And just the way we are!


·       What if we accepted the fact that HE ACCEPTS US AS WE ARE to the point that it overwhelms the fact that we do not accept ourselves?


·       What if we would live the way of the cross, persecution, and dying to self, because it is the narrow way He asked us to follow?


·       What if we died to self more so that Christ lived through us more, and every single need was met as our joy was made complete in Him?


·       What if we could just rest in who we are in Christ, rather than running around doing activities He never called us to do? Being rather than doing!


What if we really believed God loved us and it had nothing to do with our past, or our future performances? Resting in Him!


What if pastors and leadership teams around the world would train and release every member of their church into the ministry that the Lord has called them to, and especially beyond the four walls of organized church?

What if we actually picked up our mats and walked in obedience when we were delivered, rather than come back for prayer and healing for the same things week after week?

What if leaders would seek to always serve beyond ever having to be, being served?

What if leaders would seek to train and lead others in the vision God has for them as individual ministers and trust the Holy Spirit to move on them to support the community or corporate vision.

What if leaders did not respond to fear of rejection and failure but trust the Lord for any perceived numbers they expect to see. Or, not look at numbers at all!

What if city wide transformation begins to take place because each individual realized their purpose and calling and was released to fulfil it beyond the four walls?

What if every church pastor sought relationship with the other pastors of the community to fulfill a city wide vision beyond their own ministries? That they realized their vision for the city could not be realized without partnering with others.


  •     What if we realized the Lord owned everything we have and asked us to steward everything, and      that  we would ask Him how much to give and where, always willing to give 100% if He were to ask that of us?


·       What if all the children of God understood and operated in the full authority that Jesus Christ sacrificed for us to have?


·       What if Kingdomized people began to bring the Kingdom authority to all the gates of the city. That Kingdom people would lead the way in government, business, healthcare, media, law, and educational jurisdictions of our cities?


·       What if every believer never settled for how they view themselves while seeking the Father to know the full potential of what He sees in them?


·       What if we would accept others and the blessing they are, rather than be offended by them in their differences?


·       What if we chose to see the good in people, pray for the rest, and love them regardless of whether they changed as we think they should?


·       What if more souls for the kingdom and the releasing of every saint into ministry far outweighed any focus on mammon or control?


·       What if we all were willing to serve in every phase of our lives rather than being served?


·       What would happen if every believer realized the lifetime process we are in and could walk without judgment, alongside those who are not as far along in the process?


·       What if what we thought was reality was revealed as not reality, so we would live a life filled with reality and purpose for the kingdom?


·       What if we chose not to be offended when offenses came, or at least choose to let go of all offenses immediately?


·       What if we chose to forgive in every situation. Not only because the Father said He would not forgive us unless we did, but because it was in our hearts to love in that way?


·       What if, as the family of God, we really were blinded to culture, creed and credentials?


And what if we were excited about the uniqueness of each difference, and the value of each expression of God's people?

What if spiritual Fathers would be motivated with a heart of giving to their spiritual sons that far outweighed any thoughts of what they would receive in return?

What if we had abundantly more Shepherds, (pastors), willing to run after the few of the flock that have been hurt, isolated and in need of life-giving expressions of our Savior’s love?

What would happen if God's people really prayed and communicated intimately with the Father on a daily basis?

What if we had every Christian home open and available for the faith community every week? And how about daily?


·       What if every believer was more concerned about being Father's change agents for people, families and communities, rather than holding on, and waiting for Jesus to mystically remove them from the very earth He desires them to change.


·       What if the perceived rapture were a long ways off, or not to come at all, would we still be about our Father's business in establishing His kingdom upon the earth?


·       What if we really did not fear dying for Him, and in fact chose to die to self daily in order to truly live in and through Him?


·       What if we lived and moved and had our being in the Holy Spirit 24 hours a day and 7 days a week?


·       What if every word or deed was received with the Father's heart and mind and every response that came forth from us in word and deed was likewise from the heart of the Father?


What if we would rather have a towel (servant), than a title in leadership?

What if we realized that we must seek to trash every idol in our life to really be free to serve in the army of our Lord?

What if we realized that the greatest idol that you and I have is "self", then began to become selfless in our pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom?

What if every believer realized that their obedience to all that they do each day was ministry unto Him and His kingdom?

What if every housewife and mother understood that she was in full-time ministry in her role?

What if the people of God saw the ministry the Lord is doing through His daughters, while becoming free from limited mindsets regarding the Father’s potential for the ministry of women.

What if we saw that the Kingdom of God as beyond race, gender, or age, but exists in diversity of expression in His glorious Kingdom.


·       What if every businessman or blue collar worker realized that in Christ, they were full- time ministers in their calling?


·       What if every business owner understood that people are their greatest resource and began to pastor their businesses?


·       What if every business owner looked at their employees, vendors, and customers, as part of their household or sphere of godly influence?


·       What if every Christian business owner looked at their lives and businesses as an impact thrust for the community?


·       What if there was no difference in the perceived spirituality of an organized church pastor and one who pastors their home, business, and community.


What if we actually believe God speaks in relevance for today beyond the written word in alignment with the written word?

What if we could actually hear a relevant word for today that was in line with the heart and the written word of God?

What if there was greater prophetic accountability?

What if there were more prophetic people apologizing when they spoke amiss, as often as they publicly acknowledged when they got one right?

What if we worshipped the foundation of all order, (Christ), beyond the order, or perceived order of things?

What if the living Word, (Christ Himself) replaced any dead theoretical, theological, Christological religion?


·       What if we had fellowship or connections with others during the week instead of relying on one Sunday Service, which was never designed to meet our ”one anothering” needs.


·       What if the earth really was filled with the glory of the Lord and He is just waiting for us to get involved?


·       What if true wealth is measured in what you give away?


·       What if the family became the primary context of the Church?


·       What if we loved as He loved?


·       What if we spoke as He spoke?


·       What if we did what He did?


·       What if we really believed we could lay hands on the sick and watch them recover?


What if my opinions were okay, because they were my opinions, and people would love me even if my opinions were different from theirs?

What if we all could appreciate the different cultures and expressions in God’s Kingdom, regardless of whether or not we understood them, or fancied them.

What if people understood the command to love, and would love by choice rather than out of having to "feel the love? "

What if even a few of these "what ifs" became realities in our lives, enabling us to go out and make a bigger kingdom difference?


What if ………………………………You fill in the blank, because with God,


All things are possible.


The What if’s stated can be realities because of the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.…


 May the "now" questions become future solutions to the glory of our God!!!

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